Nomination for West Country Women Awards 2022!

It was a lovely surprise to have a message to say that I had been nominated for the West Country Women Awards 2022, in the category of Women in Health.

I was nominated because of the support and information that Rainbow Hunting provides to people in times of grief and trauma and for my support online and individually. My website, with its practical tips, support and other blogs are provided entirely free to help people and my focus is on those who might need information before or after a death or life changing experience.

It has been such an honour just to be put forward for this award and to have my hard work recognised, especially when I juggle it all with solo parenting my two girls who were only six and eight years old when their father died. The nomination mentions that my “bright and cheery disposition” hides my pain but I think that this is true for many people. I am passionate that we have a choice whether we put a metaphorical magnifying glass over the positive or the negative. I have found that focusing on the positive - being grateful for what I do have and enjoying the little things - has been pivotal in the healing from the grief after the death of my husband.

My thanks go to the kind soul who nominated me and whose nomination encourages me to continue supporting mental health and wellbeing during bereavement and trauma. 

Find out more information about the awards at


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