Becoming a Milspo Ambassador

During the housebound days of the first lockdowns I discovered a group of wonderful people who helped me get through the isolation of solo parenting during the pandemic.

The organisation I discovered is The Milspo Network CIC. “Milspo”, as it is known for short, supports spouses, partners and other-halves of serving UK military personnel who are building the businesses of their dreams. Milspo connects and inspires its members no matter where they are posted.

The Milspo community connect with each other through various social media channels.  They have regular online meet-ups which take the form of virtual networking, guest speakers and, my favourite, the Milspo Month Review & Goal Setting sessions. Previously isolated SME owners use this group to grow worthwhile connections within an engaged community.  In addition, the founder of Milspo, Jess Sands, has created The Milspo Movement, a grassroots campaign that is on a mission to encourage everyone to support, value and buy from our entrepreneurial spouses, partners and other-halves of the serving UK Armed Forces.

At the beginning of September 2021, I was invited to be the first guest of season five of the Independent Spouse podcast. The podcast is a series of fun, informative podcasts sponsored by the Royal British Legion that shares the stories of various inspirational Milspo members and other people who impact on their lives. I have written a separate blog about my guest appearance which you can find here. In the conversation I shared the personal story of becoming a widow and the impact on my family as I move forwards in my new world of solo parenting.

To be asked to join the team behind the network, championing Milspo-owned businesses across the UK and abroad, is a true honour. I have met lots of inspiring and committed military spouses, partners and other-halves who have been more of a support to me than they can imagine.  I am now excited to be part of this amazing organisation and help others with growing their Milspo owned businesses alongside the magnolia-walled military life they have joined.

Here are my thoughts…

  • Find your tribe: Humans are social beings, and life is more enjoyable when we find a group of people who ‘just get it’.

  • Huge honour: Becoming a Milspo Ambassador is a privilege for me and I look forward to spreading the word about the wonderful Milspo community.

  • Life as a military other-half is tough: Loving someone who does a risky job can lead to a lonely life path but it can be made easier if you walk with like-minded souls.


Useful links:


A Royal Marine widow’s perspective of the ‘Regain’


Royal British Legion Centenary Service