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The Rainbow Hunting Blog
Whether its practical advice, emotional support or a recommendation for a book or a podcast, benefit from Emma’s depth of knowledge with her vast range of FREE blog articles.
Simply select the area of interest that suits you or just scroll down to see all the lastest posts.
#25Tuesdays with WAY
Emma in her capacity as Ambassador for WAY hosting some conversations to celebrate their 25th anniversary
The Widow Podcast
In my chat with Karen Sutton, The Widow Coach, she shares her passion that we can create something truly meaningful after loss.
Everyday Adventure Podcast
On this podcast the guests have one thing in common… they live as adventurously as possible, irrespective of where they are.
Independent Spouse podcast
Have your tissues handy, it’s an emotional listen with references to death, dying and cancer, but one I hope will help many by normalising the experience of becoming a widow.
Widowed And Young Interview
Listen to my podcast with WAY, a charity that offers support to anyone whose partner died when they were under the age of 50 years old.
“In A Good Place” to die – an interview with BBC Radio
Grief is Unique – Just like snowflakes and fingerprints, we are all different and our grief is different. There is no right way to experience grief, the path that is right for you is the one that is necessary for you to walk down.
Grief Sofa Podcast
I was very honoured to be asked to take part in my very first podcast for The Grief Sofa to talk about my grief and how life has changed for me and our two young daughters since my husband Simon’s death at the age of 38 years old.