The real difference the Will Challenge makes!

Each year I run a completely free Will Challenge. The effort that all the participants put in is evident through the amazing transformation that takes place! It literally makes my heart sing to see people going from head-in-the-sand avoidance to a calm and sorted place where they have completed my Rainbow Hunting Will Planner and are ready to see a solicitor.

I do four 30-minute lives, one each morning of the Challenge and I share:

-       Why you need a Will & what happens if you don’t have a Will

-       Getting round the mental blocks and common mistakes that people make

-       Testamentary freedom vs claims and what actually goes into your Will

-       How to get the Will done and what to tell a solicitor (plus usual costs & benefits of solicitors and face-to-face advice)

There’s then the ability to ask questions in a free private Facebook group and a special “Pick Emma’s brains” Q&A session where I go onto zoom and answer all the sticky point that have come up during the week that people don’t want to discuss with others. I run on a heady mix of adrenaline and dopamine during the week and I get so much joy from knowing the real difference that doing the Challenge makes to people.

The 2023 Will Challenge taught me a huge lesson this year… It showed that often when we put off doing something – it’s exactly that thing that we need to do!

Take guardians and trusts as two examples… so many people were struggling with either working out who would look after the kids if they were not there, or how their main asset (the family home) would pass on their death because of blended families… and some people were struggling with both. These are exactly the situations that if they don’t get it sorted… their nearest and dearest could end up in court arguing over who gets the kids and/or bringing a claim that they didn’t make good enough financial provision for them.

The feedback has been amazing… here are just a couple of my favourite quotes:

“[The best bits were] Emma’s energy…not many people could make conversations about wills engaging and interesting. Love the will planner and the areas of focus for each sessions.”

“Immediately after the challenge I booked in a session with a financial advisor to discuss next steps with my finances and Will with a much clearer idea of what I need to discuss and make decisions on”

“I’m so grateful to Emma for her time - it really is such a gift to all. Thank you”

“Emma is amazing - so knowledgeable and approachable. She takes a tricky topic and makes it much easier to handle with practical steps to improve your Sadmin!”

As for the question asking what people would say to others considering doing the Will Challenge… 100% said that everyone should do it, whether you have a Will or not!

To find out more details click the links for the Will Challenge and the Sadmin course (which are run annually), or chat with me directly by emailing


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